
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Radio Microwave Equipment File Format for PathLoss

 PathLoss Equipment File Format

PathLoss is the Windows Application to calculate radio microwave, which powerful and high accuracy. Also user need to build the equipment file format according with application require, which this application have equipment format as follow.

MANUFACT,// * manufacturer,Char(35),
MODEL,// * radio model,Char(23),
COMMENT_6,,Char(35),Manual Not have
EMDESIG,// emission designator,Char(23),
RADIO_ID,// radio id,Char(23),15
MODULATION,// * modulation QPSK 128 QAM,Char(23),
CAPACITY,"// * Airlink Capacity, Mb/s",Char(23),
DATA_RATE,// data rate Mb/s,numeric,
STABILITY_PRC,// frequency stability percent or,numeric,
STABILITY_PPM,// frequency stability part per million,numeric,
SPECTRMBW_MHZ,// * 3 dB spectrum bandwidth (MHz) used for default curves,numeric,read
CHANNELBW_MHZ,// channel bandwidth (MHz),numeric,
MAXRXSIG_10-3,// maximum receive signal for 10-3 BER (dBm),numeric,
MAXRXSIG_10-6,// maximum receive signal for 10-6 BER (dBm),numeric,
TtoI_COCHAN_LIKE,// * threshold to interference ratio like modulation (dB),numeric,
TtoI_COCHAN_CW,// threshold to interference ratio CW modulation,numeric,
TXPOWER_DBM,// * transmit power (dBm),numeric,
FREQ_LO_MHZ,// * lower frequency limit (MHz),numeric,
FREQ_HI_MHZ,// * upper frequency limit (MHz),numeric,
ATPC_RANGE,// automatic TX Power control range (dB),numeric,
NUM_ATPCSTEPS,// number of steps in the power control range (dB),numeric,
DIGRADIO_TYPE,"// PDH, SDH or NB_DIGITAL  (Narrow band digital)",,
SD_OPERATION,// BBS or IFC baseband switch or IF combiner,,
XPIF,// Cochannel XPD improvement factor,numeric,
XPD_XPI,// XPD of the XPIC device,numeric,
IF_COMB_GAIN,// IF combiner gain for IFC baseband switch,numeric,
LCOMB_FACTOR,// IF combiner selective fading improvement factor in Space Diver,numeric,
BITS_BLOCK,// bits per block (* SDH only),numeric,
BLOCKS_SEC,// block per second ( * SDH only),numeric,
ALPHA1,//errors per burst in the BER range from 10e-3 to BERses (SDH only),numeric,
ALPHA2,//errors per burst in the BER range from BERses to residual BER (SDH only),numeric,
ALPHA3,//errors per burst below the residual BER (SDH only),numeric,
SIGNATURE_DELAY_10-3,// signature delay (ns) at BER 10-3,numeric,
SIGNATURE_WIDTH_10-3,// signature width (MHz) at BER 10-3,numeric,
SIGNATURE_MINPH_10-3,// signature depth - minimum phase (dB) at BER 10-3,numeric,
SIGNATURE_NONMINPH_10-3,// signature depth - non minimum phase (dB) at BER 10-3,numeric,
SIGNATURE_DELAY_10-6,// signature delay (ns) at BER 10-6,numeric,
SIGNATURE_WIDTH_10-6,// signature width (MHz) at BER 10-6,numeric,
SIGNATURE_MINPH_10-6,// signature depth - minimum phase (dB) at BER 10-6,numeric,
SIGNATURE_NONMINPH_10-6,// signature depth - non minimum phase (dB) at BER 10-6,numeric,
SIGNATURE_DELAY_RBER,// signature delay (ns) at BER RBER,numeric,
SIGNATURE_WIDTH_RBER,// signature width (MHz) at BER RBER,numeric,
SIGNATURE_MINPH_RBER,// signature depth - minimum phase (dB) at BER RBER,numeric,
SIGNATURE_NONMINPH_RBER,// signature depth - non minimum phase (dB) at BER RBER,numeric,
SIGNATURE_DELAY_SES,// signature delay (ns) at BER SES,numeric,
SIGNATURE_WIDTH_SES,// signature width (MHz) at BER SES,numeric,
SIGNATURE_MINPH_SES,// signature depth - minimum phase (dB) at BER SES,numeric,
SIGNATURE_NONMINPH_SES,// signature depth - non minimum phase (dB) at BER SES,numeric,
DISPFM_10-3,// dispersive fade margin at 10-3 BER (dB),numeric,
DISPFM_10-6,// dispersive fade margin at 10-6 BER (dB),numeric,
DISPFM_SES,// dispersive fade margin at SES BER (dB),numeric,
DISPFM_RBER,// dispersive fade margin at residual BER (dB),numeric,
RXTHRESH_10-3,// RX threshold at 10-3 BER (dBm) (* SDH Only),numeric,
RXTHRESH_10-6,// * RX threshold at 10-6 BER (dBm),numeric,
RESIDUAL_BER,// residual bit error rate - scientific notation 1E-10,numeric,
RXTHRESH_RBER,// RX threshold at RBER (dBm),numeric,
SES_BER,// SES bit error rate - scientific notation 4.6E-4 (optional),numeric,
RXTHRESH_SES_BER,// RX threshold at BERses (dBm) (optional),numeric,
// start of curves
TtoI_150Mbps-16QAM 47
… TtoI Pair, Number

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